I have now decided that Jillian Michaels definitely is a lesbian and I back my claim with the following evidence.
- She is never seen in public with a male escort or any escort, very much in the style of Jodie Foster, and keeps her personal life extremely private.
- She opened a gym with very publicly out Jackie Warner.
- She turned up on the current series of Biggest Loser in full leathers on a HUUUGE motorbike
But the most compelling evidence of all which finally made up my mind, is.........last night on The Biggest Loser she wore a fluffy lined denim jacket EXACTLY the same as the one my girlfriend wears.
Now, my girlfriend is the epitome of androgynous soft butch lesbian, with muscles the same as Jillian's ( I would put up a picture of my girlfriend but she would probably beat me up, swoon). So if any woman wears the same clothes that my girlfriend wears then she's definitely a dyke.