Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Recession Impact

I've been quite skeptical about this current recession as it appears to me to be a media driven wind up. Yes, yes I know, America sub prime and all that, but that's them, not me and as I'm the centre of my universe it's all about me.

In my business it has had zero impact. My revenue for February far exceeded last years and the same is forecasted for March, I am holding much more for the rest of the year than I normally would at this point and also for a post election year, and the rest of the property is maintaining 100% mid week occupancy at a good average rate.

However, in my personal world I have finally felt an effect. On Sunday after the as usual fabulous Newtown fair I went to the local for a few chukkas of pool. Was pleased to see that new pool tables had been put in over the last week, as the prior two were getting a bit shabby, however my pleasure was short lived.

The tables are slightly higher (annoying for those leaning over shots), the balls are smaller (harder to focus on!!), the felt is fast and the cushions bouncy (all good), but shock HORROR , they are now $2 tables. That is a whopping 100% increase in 7 days.

Even the old fullas came over to have a little moan about that. I'm now trying to decide if I'm a sad fukker or not when it was realised that I have now lived through 3 different sets of pools tables at the local.


XChequer said...

I can commiserate with you as only a fellow "shark" can.

Last night I was voted in as the new Treasurer of our local pool club and my first action was to raise the weekly fee from $2 to $3! I felt like Bill English's press agent - lots of news to give out - just none of it good.


Anonymous said...

what have you been doing on those tables to wear them out so fast?

unPC lesbian said...

I been good Otter.....It's been 4 1/2 years playing in the same pub. the first tables were S.H.A.B.B.Y, then they got recovered in bright orange felt with a certain ick ick beer logo on it.

The last 6 months they have got v shabby again, must the old fullas cos they are in there all day and night!!!

This time they have changed the entire table, not just recovered.

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