Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One for Little Drummer Boy

'Cos you said you were missing my workout posts, here's one for you. I had been training for the Round the Bays half marathon so was doing masses of running and just maintenance weights work, until the infamous ankle experience. Even after that healed I was unable to run as I had twisted my lower back, which set off a pirifomis muscle/sciatic nerve issue.

On the recommendation of one of the gym boys ( the top one) I went to a new physio who decided it was a good idea to use my arse as a pin cushion. It was a good idea!  I'm an accupuncture convert. However for the last 6 weeks or so I've been doing more weights work and other forms of cardio like icky icky bike, and rower, and angry trainer. Just short bursts, and lots more weights work.

I'm now back running, but will be keeping the weights up, so Mondays work out was:
  • 10 minutes bike
  • Lat pull downs 37.5kg
  • Seated row machine 25 kg
  • Kneeling row 16kg
  • Pec deck 35kg
  • Single arm preacher curls 14kg ( I did double arms recently with an Olympic bar plus 10kg, but I think I still prefer and get more result from single arm)
  • Seated  bicep curls with twist 7kg
  • Seated shoulder raise 7kg
  • Swiss ball skull crushers 15kg
Then felt too tired so wandered off. I really must get a bit more creative with my weights workouts, too used to relying on the ex (who was also training partner) to think up varying routines.  I have also run 8k Saturday, 11k Sunday and 10k tonight. I soooo deserve a beer.

I think I may have an opportunity for some new photo's coming up so will put some up, if they pass the vanity test!


Empty Nest. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino