Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Status Update
We're approaching the time of year when people tend to look back and reflect on the year that has been. I was having this conversation with the other half of Rockstar Productions last week, as like myself her life has changed massively in the last year. She calls it her year of detoxifying her life. Mine has been more a year of personal life change and jumping out of boxes.
Since August I have been living the empty nest life. I don't know why some people see this stage of the parenting cycle negatively, as I think it's wonderful and totally embrace the freedoms I now have. The child is doing well in Oz, and her making that move is what she needed to get her life started. She was stagnating here, now she has taken responsibility for her life and is working hard to succeed. Firstborn has finished her second year at University and is back in the Bay doing summer work. The only fly in the family ointment is that my Mother has had a couple of health issues this year, and we can no longer ignore the fact that we don't live forever. A sobering thought that was driven home on my visit last weekend.
The empty nest life means I now have a flatmate, so the rent and bill reduction means I also have new found financial freedom. This is where jumping out of boxes comes in. On one level I feel I "should" save all this extra loot, as I have been conditioned to be a good squirrel for later life, however I am fighting that impulse and instead spending on myself, and lots of travel adventures. After my holiday in America earlier this year, and also acknowledging the influence of the person in the next paragraph, I just want to spend the next few years seeing as much of the world as I can cram in, plus having more adventures here at home as well. I can see that skiing is going to feature large next winter. I stopped travelling a few years prior to breeding, so now it's time get the backpack out again. Well actually, will probably have to purchase a new one as the old one really is too cumbersome. Next stop Sydney, followed closely by Singapore, Malaysia and Borneo.
The other huge thing is my life this year is that I have a girlfriend, of the monogamous committed relationship kind. (being lesbians these things must be defined!) This too is major box jump for me, as after the deceit of the woman I dated last summer I had sworn never again. Single and celibate was the motto. After the last long term ended several years ago, as regular readers know, I decided monogamy wasn't working for me so spent three years dating many, committing to none. With the lover from last summer I started to feel that I now wanted more, until the lies and deceit happened. I then totally shut down.
Being in such a shut down state I was totally unaware of the German goddess's interest in me, until she kissed me on the dance floor one certain evening. So slowly, slowly we got to know each other. Again another jumping out of box experience, as I had to face and articulate fears, acknowledge and discuss them, and then finally let myself just take the chance and enjoy the love and warmth that was being given to me. I think of it as the most honest relationship I have had, and we both consciously strive for that. It makes me very happy. I must say though that unlike most lesbians we will NOT be moving in together. We both like our own homes, our together time and our separate time, so no u-haul for us.
One final change this year, besides going blonde, is that I voted. I guess that means I now have to change my profile on here. There has also been the usual running races, putting on events even though I swore never again, and the great car reregistration drama, just to name a few. Life most certainly is vastly different from what it was this time last year.
Since August I have been living the empty nest life. I don't know why some people see this stage of the parenting cycle negatively, as I think it's wonderful and totally embrace the freedoms I now have. The child is doing well in Oz, and her making that move is what she needed to get her life started. She was stagnating here, now she has taken responsibility for her life and is working hard to succeed. Firstborn has finished her second year at University and is back in the Bay doing summer work. The only fly in the family ointment is that my Mother has had a couple of health issues this year, and we can no longer ignore the fact that we don't live forever. A sobering thought that was driven home on my visit last weekend.
The empty nest life means I now have a flatmate, so the rent and bill reduction means I also have new found financial freedom. This is where jumping out of boxes comes in. On one level I feel I "should" save all this extra loot, as I have been conditioned to be a good squirrel for later life, however I am fighting that impulse and instead spending on myself, and lots of travel adventures. After my holiday in America earlier this year, and also acknowledging the influence of the person in the next paragraph, I just want to spend the next few years seeing as much of the world as I can cram in, plus having more adventures here at home as well. I can see that skiing is going to feature large next winter. I stopped travelling a few years prior to breeding, so now it's time get the backpack out again. Well actually, will probably have to purchase a new one as the old one really is too cumbersome. Next stop Sydney, followed closely by Singapore, Malaysia and Borneo.
The other huge thing is my life this year is that I have a girlfriend, of the monogamous committed relationship kind. (being lesbians these things must be defined!) This too is major box jump for me, as after the deceit of the woman I dated last summer I had sworn never again. Single and celibate was the motto. After the last long term ended several years ago, as regular readers know, I decided monogamy wasn't working for me so spent three years dating many, committing to none. With the lover from last summer I started to feel that I now wanted more, until the lies and deceit happened. I then totally shut down.
Being in such a shut down state I was totally unaware of the German goddess's interest in me, until she kissed me on the dance floor one certain evening. So slowly, slowly we got to know each other. Again another jumping out of box experience, as I had to face and articulate fears, acknowledge and discuss them, and then finally let myself just take the chance and enjoy the love and warmth that was being given to me. I think of it as the most honest relationship I have had, and we both consciously strive for that. It makes me very happy. I must say though that unlike most lesbians we will NOT be moving in together. We both like our own homes, our together time and our separate time, so no u-haul for us.
One final change this year, besides going blonde, is that I voted. I guess that means I now have to change my profile on here. There has also been the usual running races, putting on events even though I swore never again, and the great car reregistration drama, just to name a few. Life most certainly is vastly different from what it was this time last year.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Dinner Date
Firstborn has been staying and we went out to dinner with the Father last night. This was a very significant event as it's the first time we have had a "family" dinner in eleven years. It was a pleasant evening, and firstborn totally enjoyed the fine food, wine and flowing conversation.
We dined at Ambeli, an award winning restaurant where the German goddess and I had dined a few weeks earlier. As the evening unfolded the Father behaved as expected, with his default setting of pretentious prat. When we arrived he was having a wee boys moment with the maitre d', they were trying to out cool each other. Once seated the maitre d' then asked if it he could select the wines to match our food choices, to which the Father agreed. In the world of winemakers and sommeliers this is akin to throwing down the gauntlet. At this point I indicated that I wasn't drinking.
We ordered, and once the order was in the maitre d', Shae, as by this time we had heard his whole family history, brought the first round of wines. He did pour me a small taste to match my ordered dish. The meal then continued in this manner. A cheeseboard was brought out at one point, and the Father was poured yet another red wine. Finally the bill was presented.
Unlike the Father I was able to read the bill without resorting to spectacles. The number on it was staggering despite no charge being made for any wine tastes poured for me. As I have recently been ill, as well as not drinking I had only ordered two entrees and a small salad, a total investment of $45. Once the very generous voucher the Father held had been deducted there was still over $160 to pay, to which the Father said "let's just halve it." I started to protest, but realised it would be to no avail so I sucked it up and duly paid for twice what I had consumed. Firstborn was gobsmacked and sat there rolling her eyes.
When the Father returned from paying his share he then proceeded to moan that the winery would only cover $70 of what he had paid, obviously his feeding allowance when on the road. The miserable git was moaning because he'd just consumed three courses of food, four glasses of expensive wine, and was having to personally fork out $10 for it! Fortunately the waiter had cleared all glassware and cutlery from the table otherwise I wouldn't have been able to resist.
If a "family" dinner is ever to occur again you can guarantee that I will be firmly setting the parameters before even a sip of water is taken.
We dined at Ambeli, an award winning restaurant where the German goddess and I had dined a few weeks earlier. As the evening unfolded the Father behaved as expected, with his default setting of pretentious prat. When we arrived he was having a wee boys moment with the maitre d', they were trying to out cool each other. Once seated the maitre d' then asked if it he could select the wines to match our food choices, to which the Father agreed. In the world of winemakers and sommeliers this is akin to throwing down the gauntlet. At this point I indicated that I wasn't drinking.
We ordered, and once the order was in the maitre d', Shae, as by this time we had heard his whole family history, brought the first round of wines. He did pour me a small taste to match my ordered dish. The meal then continued in this manner. A cheeseboard was brought out at one point, and the Father was poured yet another red wine. Finally the bill was presented.
Unlike the Father I was able to read the bill without resorting to spectacles. The number on it was staggering despite no charge being made for any wine tastes poured for me. As I have recently been ill, as well as not drinking I had only ordered two entrees and a small salad, a total investment of $45. Once the very generous voucher the Father held had been deducted there was still over $160 to pay, to which the Father said "let's just halve it." I started to protest, but realised it would be to no avail so I sucked it up and duly paid for twice what I had consumed. Firstborn was gobsmacked and sat there rolling her eyes.
When the Father returned from paying his share he then proceeded to moan that the winery would only cover $70 of what he had paid, obviously his feeding allowance when on the road. The miserable git was moaning because he'd just consumed three courses of food, four glasses of expensive wine, and was having to personally fork out $10 for it! Fortunately the waiter had cleared all glassware and cutlery from the table otherwise I wouldn't have been able to resist.
If a "family" dinner is ever to occur again you can guarantee that I will be firmly setting the parameters before even a sip of water is taken.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Tick Done
To those that didn't attend, and you know who I'm talking about Ms Crazy Housewife and Ms life without ben, you missed a great night.
More regular transmission may resume shortly as I get around to finishing some of the drafts that are yelling at me.
Monday, October 17, 2011
All Better!
Car and fingers that is. After emptying my bank account I now have my car back and looking prettier than ever.
I have promised the panel beater that I may paint her in the future, however I now think maybe just the bumper. I quite like the red bonnet with the blue badge. Interestingly all the males involved in the process agree that I have done the right thing in repairing her, and I now have a fully certified safe car that only has 83,000k on the clock. She had to be weighed as part of the process, and phew, she is also not overweight.
I've had another weekend on the snow and this time at Turoa. The universe turned on breathtakingly stunning day for us,
and even this little mishap didn't distract too much from the fabulous day.
This time I actually donned skis for the first time in over 25 years, and I'm hooked. The new format skis make it so easy, I just want to do more. This one is from the start of the day when I was trying to remember how it all went.
After the finger damage interlude I spent the rest of the day on the intermediate slope.
Next time I hope I will figure out what the poles are for.
The ball weekend is fast approaching, under two weeks now, so I'm starting to get a bit fretty about it, along with the fact that I may not be able to fit my costume. However, all you lesbians out there I hope you have your ticket, you won't want to miss the biggest party of the year.
See you all there.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Bad Blogger
Yes, I now officially have the title of being THE worst blogger, but, but - life has been busy!
Firstly I've had the two insurance saga's to deal with.One good one bad. This is the start of the bad insurance story.
Firstly I've had the two insurance saga's to deal with.One good one bad. This is the start of the bad insurance story.
I won't go into the full story, but it seems an insurance company can make decisions, and do legal things about ownership and registration, without feeling the need inform car "owner" at any point. Unlike the travel insurance company (the good story) who very promptly paid out for the bracelet I unfortunately lost while in America.
To take my mind off the car drama I went here
for a bit of this
I'm heading up again this weekend but this time I will put the long trippy uppy things on the end of my feet so I can spend the day falling over, and pay a fortune do so! While on that trip I got up close and personal with this one.
And come January I'm going to climb the fukker. Will do the full crossing and nip up to the top along the way.
When I got back I managed to temporarily fix the car, you may recognise the piece of plastic.
It's now with the man with a big belly and tattoos getting road worthy again, though thanks to a vital piece of misinformation from the NZTA call centre, it is going to cost slightly more than $100 to re register and make legal again.
Along the way I have had one of these
And as I was truly pampered by my gorgeous girlfriend I created a bit of art for her during the day
I have also done another race, first in my age group, fourth in open women grade, committed to doing this race, and a triathalon in November, and - even though I swore never again, I am doing another lesbian event.
So you see, I'm not telling fibs when I say busy!
I will hopefully get my car back this week, which is good as that saga will finally be over, but sad as I've been driving Dolly the last two weeks. A good friend has loaned me her car while she is out of town and I really don't want to give her back, I'm sure you can see why.
So that is my life the last few weeks. Oh yeah, the child is still in Oz and still alive.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Empty Nest Week 1
The first week of empty nest life is now complete. I have today finished cleaning the room ready for the temporary flatmate's arrival. I stopped counting the loads of laundry after the sixth one. So many towels and sheets have reappeared that the linen cupboard is bursting at the seams, will have to download.
I finally changed the toilet roll on Wednesday, and another today so that means two rolls in nine days, as opposed to one a day. I don't know what she did with it, she was either at school or work for much of the day, why did we go through so much? It is also pleasing to get in from work and find there is only the porridge bowl and tea cup on the bench, and they have not reproduced mysteriously while I was at work.
Along with physical changes to the living environment, the main change of course is life priorities. No longer do I have to work my arse off to support the "family" it's just all about me now. Freedom, yet strangely a concept that one can't totally instantly embrace and go wild as Mummy guilt still raises it's head. I am however working on it.
I have had many phone calls from the teenager over the week, which negates her goal from the start of the year which was "I want to get a job, move out and never talk to you again!" I won't mock though as she has done well to organise a flat, move there, and now has accepted the sensible job offer. She starts her first full working week next week, that may not be pleasant.
Dinner is ready, must go.
I finally changed the toilet roll on Wednesday, and another today so that means two rolls in nine days, as opposed to one a day. I don't know what she did with it, she was either at school or work for much of the day, why did we go through so much? It is also pleasing to get in from work and find there is only the porridge bowl and tea cup on the bench, and they have not reproduced mysteriously while I was at work.
Along with physical changes to the living environment, the main change of course is life priorities. No longer do I have to work my arse off to support the "family" it's just all about me now. Freedom, yet strangely a concept that one can't totally instantly embrace and go wild as Mummy guilt still raises it's head. I am however working on it.
I have had many phone calls from the teenager over the week, which negates her goal from the start of the year which was "I want to get a job, move out and never talk to you again!" I won't mock though as she has done well to organise a flat, move there, and now has accepted the sensible job offer. She starts her first full working week next week, that may not be pleasant.
Dinner is ready, must go.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Time for a Change
My life has changed so the old title no longer seems to fit. I am on my first weekend of Empty Nest. My life and priorities change from here and I will natter on about it bit more often here.
First fun, in true un-pc style having uber hot girl sex all over various pieces of lounge furniture, TMI, but you know you just gotta do it.
Another observation; I put a fresh toilet roll on yesterday and the same roll is still there today, HUGE change.
First fun, in true un-pc style having uber hot girl sex all over various pieces of lounge furniture, TMI, but you know you just gotta do it.
Another observation; I put a fresh toilet roll on yesterday and the same roll is still there today, HUGE change.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Pride Weekend
I've done a full post on Pride weekend over here. Here is another picture from the night, and a bit of street art.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Yes I know, I've been back a week and only now blogging, extreme tiredness and dead laptop are my excuses. I have now again uploaded all the photo's, this time to my external, and with the aid of a borrowed laptop can finally attempt to write.
I'm bypassing Pride weekend as I'm writing that one for Gaynz, if bloody buggery Wordpress ever decides to play nicely, so now it's Yosemite. We headed out there on the Monday after the mayhem and partying of Pride. NZAlien loaned us one of those GPS thingies to direct us. We started of by calling it Gertrude, but by day two she was referred to as "the yelling lady", and we figured out how to shut her up.
We drove from San Francisco to Mariposa that day with no great drama other than popping eyeballs in a mall car park. It had been quite cold in SF but an hour inland it was searingly hot, so when we stopped for food we also changed clothes, much to the amusement of those in the cars around us. We managed to get what was probably the last motel room in town and promptly jumped in the pool until the room was ready. Tuesday we were up early and off to Yosemite, a good move as the place ended up getting crowded. When we left in the afternoon we got stuck in a traffic jam trying to get out of the park and it took 1.5 hours to get out.
As we started to get closer to the park the scenery started to get spectacular and the river was like Huka Falls on steroids. Once in the park the first sight was the little tunnel to drive through.
I'm bypassing Pride weekend as I'm writing that one for Gaynz, if bloody buggery Wordpress ever decides to play nicely, so now it's Yosemite. We headed out there on the Monday after the mayhem and partying of Pride. NZAlien loaned us one of those GPS thingies to direct us. We started of by calling it Gertrude, but by day two she was referred to as "the yelling lady", and we figured out how to shut her up.
We drove from San Francisco to Mariposa that day with no great drama other than popping eyeballs in a mall car park. It had been quite cold in SF but an hour inland it was searingly hot, so when we stopped for food we also changed clothes, much to the amusement of those in the cars around us. We managed to get what was probably the last motel room in town and promptly jumped in the pool until the room was ready. Tuesday we were up early and off to Yosemite, a good move as the place ended up getting crowded. When we left in the afternoon we got stuck in a traffic jam trying to get out of the park and it took 1.5 hours to get out.
As we started to get closer to the park the scenery started to get spectacular and the river was like Huka Falls on steroids. Once in the park the first sight was the little tunnel to drive through.
Then the many spectacular sights started to appear. The photo's just don't do justice to immense size of the granite rock faces, they are breathtaking.
I totally lost track of how many waterfalls there are and how many we saw.We of course had hopes of seeing bears, and NZAlien had seen some on her visit. Oso is one well travelled bear but doesn't look to keen at the prospect of meeting others.
We saw lots of these, both here and in other places on our journey.
You can imagine my glee at seeing a large group of these on the first trail, all in matching outfits.
We spent several hours walking up one of the trails and along the way got to see one face of the Dome. People climb this. They must be mad.
This of course is just a wee sample of our days hiking, a day of stunning scenery. We then drove 4 hours down a remote road to the coast again with a different type of vast scenery.
I was driving at this point, weird, very weird. We spent that night at a place called Pismo Beach which had it's own unique scenery, but that story is for another day as it's bed time for me now.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
San Francisco Day Three
It's been three busy and exciting days, and starting off with that deja vu feeling of having Saturday all over again was very cool as well.
I landed just after 10am on Saturday and got through customs quickly than out to the lovely NZAlien waiting to pick me up. We went home briefly for coffee then out to see a few sights. First up the classic icon of Golden Gate Bridge.
I landed just after 10am on Saturday and got through customs quickly than out to the lovely NZAlien waiting to pick me up. We went home briefly for coffee then out to see a few sights. First up the classic icon of Golden Gate Bridge.
I can see why NZAlien says trying to run over the bridge is a pain, it was clogged with tourists.
We then went to the Embarcadero for a wee wander and a yummy lunch of seafood and bubbles plus a stroll through the market stalls where I did the little dance of pleasure at the size of the crabs. I was then taken to the equivalent of the Warehouse, a place called Costco. Sensory overload on so many levels, the amount of stock to purchase, and people watching. I did manage to make my first purchase, a bottle of Veuve Cliquot.
Sunday was a massive shopping mission to a large outlet mall in Gilroy, where I finally got off the starting block, and purchased vast amounts of running gear, and a few other items. We then went to Santa Cruz and had more seafood then a walk on the boardwalk amongst the masses. These are a couple of the locals I saw on the pier, one of them was laughing loudly.
This also amused.
And as it's summer I couldn't, to quote Lou Reed, watch football on tv, but baseball was on.
We went on the roller coaster, it was a wooden one which makes it even more special.
Today I have just been exploring the Mission, which is the area I am staying in. Firstly I went to NZAliens favourite sports store and stocked up on running shoes, then the rest of the day I have been wandering aimlessly just looking at life and drinking bad coffee. Had a kiwi moment when I saw Pohutukawa trees in bloom on one of the streets.
I do love being in a new country and all the new experiences that involves, however the public toilets are one I need to master. My Mother taught me to pee without sitting down in a public toilet, but the ones here tend to flush on their own accord, a bit alarming, and messy. Also crossing the road on an intersection with no lights, I feel a bit like one of those sideshow clowns with my head swiveling in every direction.
Tomorrow is another wander and explore day so will head for the Castro and get me a bit of gayness.....and hopefully a decent coffee!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Advanced Silence
Yeah yeah, I know - I have been very lax at writing, but I still haven't found my writing mojo. I have however found my download mojo now that I have an external drive, so I have been catching up on lots of movies and the odd tv series. Lip Service is one I recommend everyone to watch, very cool, very hot.
I have also been back in full training mode, more so this last two weeks as I'm doing the "must lose some kilos before I go on holiday so I can eat it all back on again" programme. I've reached a pleasing level with my running and am now running 10k just as a warm up, and am sticking to moderate weights work outs. So, on that note, here's a wee pic for you Little Drummer Boy.
I have also been back in full training mode, more so this last two weeks as I'm doing the "must lose some kilos before I go on holiday so I can eat it all back on again" programme. I've reached a pleasing level with my running and am now running 10k just as a warm up, and am sticking to moderate weights work outs. So, on that note, here's a wee pic for you Little Drummer Boy.
Only four more sleeps till San Francisco, so I promise I'll write more when there as NZalien has kindly said I can play on her iPad. Swoon. Au revoir.
Monday, May 9, 2011
I don't know why I've been so silent of late, I just seem to have lost my writing my mojo, but regaining my cooking one. Even winding up the feminists over at The Stroppery is failing to amuse me, though, big HUGE ha ha ha - I see that blog has now been made "invite only." One assumes that since they now only want to talk amongst themselves, they just can't handle opinions that differ from theirs. No loss.
I had a very relaxing trip to Christchurch over Easter and to be honest I spent most of the time alseep. It seems the body just needed to stop, and visiting the boys was the best place to do it. It was very odd seeing the city, the way buildings just weren't there. Also driving through areas of damage and then coming across vast areas untouched. Christchurch has always been my happy sunny holiday city and that feeling was still there for me. I admire the resilience and fortitude of everyone, they are determined to save their city and I thank them for that. One photo only; it shows the effect of shake and liquefaction.
Work has settled down after the busyness of the first quarter, and I have now realised that next month is my two year anniversary. Where did that time go? I'm also quietly pondering the "where to from here" question. The debate of work life balance vs corporate ladder climbing in the pursuit of more revenue. Will let that one simmer over the next six months.
I've been running as usual, lifting weights and working on the press up obsession. I can now do four full extension ones at the start of each set. I got to use this new skill on Saturday, and no, I'm not going to elaborate further on that statement.
San Francisco is now under six weeks away, so in preparation for that one of my teeth has had a big chunk fall off! Whimper. Hopefully only a small quick patch up will fix it. I am starting to get excited about the trip now and making a few more plans. Nzalien is being a star with planning things to do and places to go. She has suggested going here, I may be lost for days. The final weekend is Pride which will mean much dancing and basking in gayness. Much, much fun to be had, especially as someone very special will be in town at the same time. The girls will go out and play.
So that is a brief catch up in the scintillating life of moi. Number one daughter is doing fine, and the child has got a full time job and starts in ten days. It's with another firm two blocks up the road. Hopefully that means she will achieve her aim of moving out and never talking to me again. Time will tell.
I had a very relaxing trip to Christchurch over Easter and to be honest I spent most of the time alseep. It seems the body just needed to stop, and visiting the boys was the best place to do it. It was very odd seeing the city, the way buildings just weren't there. Also driving through areas of damage and then coming across vast areas untouched. Christchurch has always been my happy sunny holiday city and that feeling was still there for me. I admire the resilience and fortitude of everyone, they are determined to save their city and I thank them for that. One photo only; it shows the effect of shake and liquefaction.
Work has settled down after the busyness of the first quarter, and I have now realised that next month is my two year anniversary. Where did that time go? I'm also quietly pondering the "where to from here" question. The debate of work life balance vs corporate ladder climbing in the pursuit of more revenue. Will let that one simmer over the next six months.
I've been running as usual, lifting weights and working on the press up obsession. I can now do four full extension ones at the start of each set. I got to use this new skill on Saturday, and no, I'm not going to elaborate further on that statement.
San Francisco is now under six weeks away, so in preparation for that one of my teeth has had a big chunk fall off! Whimper. Hopefully only a small quick patch up will fix it. I am starting to get excited about the trip now and making a few more plans. Nzalien is being a star with planning things to do and places to go. She has suggested going here, I may be lost for days. The final weekend is Pride which will mean much dancing and basking in gayness. Much, much fun to be had, especially as someone very special will be in town at the same time. The girls will go out and play.
So that is a brief catch up in the scintillating life of moi. Number one daughter is doing fine, and the child has got a full time job and starts in ten days. It's with another firm two blocks up the road. Hopefully that means she will achieve her aim of moving out and never talking to me again. Time will tell.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Just Ask
I have recently joined youtube as I found that my favourite mashup producer has started uploading some of his mashups and remixes. I wanted him to upload my favourite tune so I asked, then two days later there it was. I of course am chuffed.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Press Ups
I have become slightly obsessed with doing press ups of late. Work has been interfering with regular gym sessions and as I have been told they are a perfect all over body work out I am doing as many as I can. At the moment I am at this level,
I am aiming for this,
I am aiming for this,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Well Partners really. On Friday I accidentally became a pawn in some power struggle game playing between some of the Partners, all over a shelf. I put an extra shelf, as requested, into a junior Partners office while he was out at a meeting. I also informed him that shelves were effectively a unit of currency, and as he had the economy of several European countries in his office plus half of Kairanga forest, it may be time to shred some paper instead. Said Partner also assured me he would deal with any possible repurcussions that may occur, as the shelf was above height restriction.
A couple of hours later I was called to his office. On my way there I had an amusing chatter in the lift with the librarian about a wind whistle in the library (his domain, his issue) so was smiling when I walked into the Partners office. He was not amused and let me have it, as he thought I was smiling and laughing at him. I then saw that the shelf was back on the floor. I explained that I had put the shelf up as asked, and also told of which Partners has questioned me while doing it. I had left that conversation sporting the universal "not my issue" symbol of thumb pressed to forehead.
Later that day I had to go to the same Partners office to swap his docking station and do geek things, and he apologised unbidden for being so rude in the morning. I accepted. On Monday when I was again in his office he apologised once more. I then did say I had felt like a pawn in some childish game, to which he gleefully said he'd play childish anytime.
I have now seen that yet another Partner has decided to play in this game as well and has gone around and put red stickers on any item that exceeds the height restriction. This includes lolly jars, trophys, pictures, water bottles, any item above the line. I love my job. Really I do.
A couple of hours later I was called to his office. On my way there I had an amusing chatter in the lift with the librarian about a wind whistle in the library (his domain, his issue) so was smiling when I walked into the Partners office. He was not amused and let me have it, as he thought I was smiling and laughing at him. I then saw that the shelf was back on the floor. I explained that I had put the shelf up as asked, and also told of which Partners has questioned me while doing it. I had left that conversation sporting the universal "not my issue" symbol of thumb pressed to forehead.
Later that day I had to go to the same Partners office to swap his docking station and do geek things, and he apologised unbidden for being so rude in the morning. I accepted. On Monday when I was again in his office he apologised once more. I then did say I had felt like a pawn in some childish game, to which he gleefully said he'd play childish anytime.
I have now seen that yet another Partner has decided to play in this game as well and has gone around and put red stickers on any item that exceeds the height restriction. This includes lolly jars, trophys, pictures, water bottles, any item above the line. I love my job. Really I do.
Monday, April 4, 2011
That is the status of my brain at the moment. I've not been blogging as I've been tired. I've had a world record mucous production cold, and just been generally tired with life so have been hibernating. This involves watching many foreign language movies and reading books, you know, those things printed on paper.
I am looking forward to Easter and going to Christchurch to see all the boys, I'm not looking forward to seeing Christchurch though. Once I'm back from that I know I will then start getting all squirmy about going to San Francisco. I fear I may not want to leave there.
As this dullest of dull blog post shows, the brain really just can't be bothered at the moment, so a couple of pictures instead. One because I like pie charts, and the other just to prove I can touch my toes.

I am looking forward to Easter and going to Christchurch to see all the boys, I'm not looking forward to seeing Christchurch though. Once I'm back from that I know I will then start getting all squirmy about going to San Francisco. I fear I may not want to leave there.
As this dullest of dull blog post shows, the brain really just can't be bothered at the moment, so a couple of pictures instead. One because I like pie charts, and the other just to prove I can touch my toes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011
On my post run beer mission at the supermarket I spied the most perfect specimens of peacherines I have ever seen in my entire life, and I had double luck as the taste was sublime as well. Happy face.
I do like the phone camera pixilation. Yes, this is my life.
I do like the phone camera pixilation. Yes, this is my life.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Party
The Party has been and gone, and the whole weekend was huge with much action and many storys to tell, but as I'm now in mopping up the tears role, a wee pictorial post will just have to do.
First up myself and the "dancers" at the hotel picking up Ms Hotrod.
I think this one is an 'action' shot.
First up myself and the "dancers" at the hotel picking up Ms Hotrod.
The next one is the wonderful Ms Hotrod, swoon.
The next one is the wonderful Ms Hotrod, swoon.
I think this one is an 'action' shot.
Lots more images can be seen here. I'm off to hide from the world for a while now.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Big Life
Life is all a bit big and busy at the moment, tonight being my first evening of relative quietness for sometime. I am surrounded by corsets in various stages of alterations, but at least I am having some quality sofa time. So a summary of the last week.
Is back at her flat and back at lectures. The pacemaker was put in on Thursday morning and she was discharged that evening. The process is considered minor surgery, she was only lightly sedated through the operation. She had a few days at home here, then was finally able to escape to her flat and friends on Sunday. She is getting very irritated with people ringing asking "how are you", so that has turned into a new Mummy sport. We have been very lucky.
The Outgames kicked off last Friday, well people started arriving then. I had drinks after work with Lucky Escape (aka the Bitch Who Broke My Heart) watched a bit of dance sport practice, then home to ignore the Japan disaster. I just don't have the emotional energy to absorb any more awfulness.
Saturday was a blur of housework and time at the Square networking and handing out programmes. I then picked up my houseguest for the week and treated her to a special rehearsal with the girls at home. Sunday was my race and though I did a PB it was hard at the end. The leg started hurting after the the turn but I stuck to my plan of kicking out at the end. It worked well for my placing but the pain/vomit ratio was nasty and I almost hurled 10 metres from the line! However I got silver and here is the evidence along with a silly face.
I rallied on Monday and after work went to the show at the second night of the Velvet Club. An interesting night of people watching and again a reminder of just how small and interconnected this world is. Spent time chatting with a good pal of Nzaliens. Lucky Escape also turned up, but as this is my city I didn't let it bother me and just had fun with friends new and old, and a hat.
Is back at her flat and back at lectures. The pacemaker was put in on Thursday morning and she was discharged that evening. The process is considered minor surgery, she was only lightly sedated through the operation. She had a few days at home here, then was finally able to escape to her flat and friends on Sunday. She is getting very irritated with people ringing asking "how are you", so that has turned into a new Mummy sport. We have been very lucky.
The Outgames kicked off last Friday, well people started arriving then. I had drinks after work with Lucky Escape (aka the Bitch Who Broke My Heart) watched a bit of dance sport practice, then home to ignore the Japan disaster. I just don't have the emotional energy to absorb any more awfulness.
Saturday was a blur of housework and time at the Square networking and handing out programmes. I then picked up my houseguest for the week and treated her to a special rehearsal with the girls at home. Sunday was my race and though I did a PB it was hard at the end. The leg started hurting after the the turn but I stuck to my plan of kicking out at the end. It worked well for my placing but the pain/vomit ratio was nasty and I almost hurled 10 metres from the line! However I got silver and here is the evidence along with a silly face.
I ended the day with a manic set up at the womens club which included perching on a very high ladder and screwing light fittings into the ceiling. The upside of that was the the hot mountaineer holding the light fittings in place, and using her cleavage to catch the falling screws from my distracted drilling. After all that I was so tired I turned down the offer of a steak at Crazy Horse, and as that is my favourite steak house, an indication of how exhausted I was. Partys
I rallied on Monday and after work went to the show at the second night of the Velvet Club. An interesting night of people watching and again a reminder of just how small and interconnected this world is. Spent time chatting with a good pal of Nzaliens. Lucky Escape also turned up, but as this is my city I didn't let it bother me and just had fun with friends new and old, and a hat.
The party that I am managing is now only 48 hours away, hence being awash with corsets and fishnets. Ticket sales are huge and I now have another performer for the wee small hours as well as my lapdancer, so all is looking good. I'm still going to attempt the back to back which is; do my party and pack out at 3am, aiport run at 4am to drop dj, and go to the closing party on Saturday night!
Random Impulsive Actions
Plane tickets to San Francisco in June! This year has been huge and draining and I decided I needed to do something frivolous and all about me. For the last two years I've put off planned trips because of doing dull things like moving house, getting teeth fixed, and supporting children, so now it's time for a bit of self indulgence. The decision was aided by a new pal saying they were going to be there for Pride, and the thought of a big gay party was irresistable. I am so looking forward to it, and before you ask, I will at some point have to wear flowers in my hair.
So there you have a summary of the last week, and now it's back to my needle and thread.
Monday, March 7, 2011
A Brief Hello
I am alive and I do have some funny storys to tell, lesbian committees always provide such juicy blog fodder, and oh my I have some classics to tell. However, as those of you on my facebook know, another unexpected life challenge has arisen in the last 48 hours.
My firstborn was admitted to hospital on Saturday night and is now in the cardiac ward as a heart issue has been discovered. Her heart rate is way too low and the chambers aren't beating correctly. There are many technical words for it, but basically it means we just sit and wait till the tests are done, then find if they are going to put in a pacemaker.
It's been a pretty rugged year so far on an emotional level, and right now I feel like I'm operating on auto pilot. As Alison Moyet said, "I'm all cried out."
Again I am just trying to focus on the positive and bless that this problem has been found without her actually being ill from it, and that we are lucky enough to live in a country that has the resources to treat it. Kia kaha, kia kaha.
My firstborn was admitted to hospital on Saturday night and is now in the cardiac ward as a heart issue has been discovered. Her heart rate is way too low and the chambers aren't beating correctly. There are many technical words for it, but basically it means we just sit and wait till the tests are done, then find if they are going to put in a pacemaker.
It's been a pretty rugged year so far on an emotional level, and right now I feel like I'm operating on auto pilot. As Alison Moyet said, "I'm all cried out."
Again I am just trying to focus on the positive and bless that this problem has been found without her actually being ill from it, and that we are lucky enough to live in a country that has the resources to treat it. Kia kaha, kia kaha.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
What can one say about something so devastating that is affecting us all. To be honest my faith in the Universe is wobbling a bit now after too much awfulness already this year.
The boy is ok but his house has suffered damage. They are still without water and power but getting by. I can still hear his scream on the phone when another aftershock hit.
I can't even conceive of how MaxL and hundreds of others are feeling with their family and friends still in the CTV building rubble. The emotions and trauma that they are all facing, and in the case of XChequer, having to deal with a grim discovery on a CD clean up mission.
I, like so many others, feel totally useless sitting in my ivory tower and not able to do anything other than keep in contact and send money. However, we have raised a staggering sum of money in the last 24 hours and the media is saying this is what Christchurch needs.
I thought of going down for the weekend to help physically in some way, but everyone is still too dazed to make decisions, and XChequers words were "keep living life as normal and tell us about it so we can remember that normality will return."
Normal life for Christchurch seems inconcievable at this point.
Arohanui to all, kia kaha.
The boy is ok but his house has suffered damage. They are still without water and power but getting by. I can still hear his scream on the phone when another aftershock hit.
I can't even conceive of how MaxL and hundreds of others are feeling with their family and friends still in the CTV building rubble. The emotions and trauma that they are all facing, and in the case of XChequer, having to deal with a grim discovery on a CD clean up mission.
I, like so many others, feel totally useless sitting in my ivory tower and not able to do anything other than keep in contact and send money. However, we have raised a staggering sum of money in the last 24 hours and the media is saying this is what Christchurch needs.
I thought of going down for the weekend to help physically in some way, but everyone is still too dazed to make decisions, and XChequers words were "keep living life as normal and tell us about it so we can remember that normality will return."
Normal life for Christchurch seems inconcievable at this point.
Arohanui to all, kia kaha.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Chip Time
Round the Bays again this morning. If anyone is interested in what my time was this is the chip number to look for.
I think I may have done my best time ever with this run, it's so much easier without a hangover. I forgot to look at the clock at the end so will have to wait for the newspaper tomorrow for my chip time.
I'm sure it's beer o'clock now!
Update: Time 43.18, which means a pace of just under 10k an hour. Place 2354 from a field of over 11,000. I'm happy. I beat the 20 year old work slave by over a minute, and am refusing to acknowledge her cry of ill health!
Update: Time 43.18, which means a pace of just under 10k an hour. Place 2354 from a field of over 11,000. I'm happy. I beat the 20 year old work slave by over a minute, and am refusing to acknowledge her cry of ill health!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Though I swore I'd never do it again, of course I have, so have been quiet of late because I've been putting together another lesbian event. I have booked this gorgeous woman.
No need to explain why I just HAD to do it.
No need to explain why I just HAD to do it.
Monday, February 7, 2011
I see from news reports last week that some astronomer has said that the stars have all shuffled around, that there are now 13 constellations, and that everyone is no longer the starsign they thought they were. I like a gazillion other people regularly, yet randomly read my horoscope, but have now decided this astronomer must be correct.
Below is an excerpt from a large astrological site, it is an extract from the February forecast for my sign.
Below is an excerpt from a large astrological site, it is an extract from the February forecast for my sign.
This month Venus will move through Capricorn, the very best sign for you, for there Venus will fill your house of true love. While you have Venus so beautifully oriented this month, why not pick up something new to wear that will make you feel simply fabulous? Two of your most sensational nights will be Friday, February 4, and Saturday, February 5 - divine on so many counts.
Though I did have very lovely and entertaining nights on the 4th and 5th, I think the fact that they were spent with friends keeping me laughing and smiling through yet another romance disaster is a tad incongruous.
I'm totally with this astronomer dude.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
One of the teams finally had their Christmas event last weekend. I had purchased the beverages for them and organised for it to be at the venue. This morning when I got in I found a box in my office containing two bottles of bubbles and few bottles of soft drink, which I figured were the leftovers.
During my morning rounds I passed the team leader who said he'd put the leftovers in my office and commented on how precise the calculation of supplies had been. In the spirit of the catchphrase de jour I "took the compliment." However I still can't help thinking, accuracy and efficiency, that's what you pay me for!
During my morning rounds I passed the team leader who said he'd put the leftovers in my office and commented on how precise the calculation of supplies had been. In the spirit of the catchphrase de jour I "took the compliment." However I still can't help thinking, accuracy and efficiency, that's what you pay me for!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Life on the Edge
...of the sofa that is! I did find myself saying to the video store owner today, as we were having our post Saturday afternoon run chatter, that I DO have a life, honestly. I won't see him for the next two weeks, that'll show him!
However, while the pies are cooking (sublimation comfort food) and I'm watching tv during that process, there has been a commercial break.
Is it just me?... or?...... but Para has a foam and rubber sale on. Doesn't that sound a bit rude?
However, while the pies are cooking (sublimation comfort food) and I'm watching tv during that process, there has been a commercial break.
Is it just me?... or?...... but Para has a foam and rubber sale on. Doesn't that sound a bit rude?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Last Update
I promise!
They are testing their wings getting ready to fly off. I did try to get an image of that exercise but the little shits stood totally still while I had the camera, then mayhem at the coalface prevented a second attempt. They no longer have fluff and are all covered in feathers.
They are testing their wings getting ready to fly off. I did try to get an image of that exercise but the little shits stood totally still while I had the camera, then mayhem at the coalface prevented a second attempt. They no longer have fluff and are all covered in feathers.
Still way too cute. Time to book in the counselling I think.
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