Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dear God, Why?

I'm gonna beat Laughykate to this one! A website that we both enjoy has a new offshoot and I've stolen this wee gem off it.

Welcome to Awkward Family Pet Photo's. Oddly, I don't think I want to know the story behind this picture.


unPC lesbian said...

and under ther lifeboats, and under the bulkheads, and under the .....

The Russian said...

The girl should have her hair died pink and done in 2 pony tails if she wanted it to look similar to the poodle.. I like the poodle better: she is very un-attarctive :(

unPC lesbian said...

yes - but who's fantasy is she pampering to? either way it's sad. ick!

laughykate said...

That is just toooo scary.

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